Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Twinkle Toes...


and beautiful feet!!!
My father, Michael, who could neither carry a tune, nor dance, none the less would happily prance and leap about our childhood home, regaling us with stories of how Michael the Mag-snif-icant, aka ‘Twinkle Toes’, would sing and dance before the crowned heads of Europe - much to their (and frankly our) amazement.
As we get ready to leave with full hearts and full suitcases, and perhaps not exactly twinkling toes,  the scripture, “ How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” comes to mind. I feel as if Jesus is kneeling and washing my feet with your prayers and with your love mingling with His.
We are truly blessed to be sent out with your ongoing prayers and support, and we will carry you in our hearts and prayers as we journey. 
Special thanks to our partners who have pledged financial support - we are now at 80% of goal!  What a joy to partner with each other and with Jesus in His love for Africa!
Please pray 
  • for peace in the midst of all the myriad details of moving
  • for full financial support
  • for listening and loving hearts
  • and for feet shining and prepared with the gospel of peace!  

with our love and prayer xx Wendy + Grant

What's been done?

House sold
furniture gone
arms vaccinated
suitcases  packed
friendships  celebrated
mission partnerships formed
Jobs completed
Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal,
Albany,Vermont, Buffalo,
Nashville, Florida, 
North and South Carolina
and Pittsburgh
have all become
 a part of our hearts.


What's next?

Language Aquisition training
Family goodbyes
(Edmonton & Montreal)
South Carolina visit
(partners with Egypt & Africa)
Arrival in Addis
Language school
(Oct 27, 2012)
and then.....